Promotional offer on virtual tenancy with The Enterprise Centre
Contributed by The Enterprise Centre
26/02/2019 - The Enterprise Centre
Representatives from the Civic Voice Design Awards visited The Enterprise Centre at the University of East Anglia (UEA) recently. The highlight of the visit was the unveiling of a ‘Housing and New Build’ plaque awarded by the Civic Voice Design Awards to the building last year.
The Civic Voice Design Awards are the people’s choice for architecture and the built environment, which sets them apart from other industry awards. They recognise buildings, places and spaces loved by local people, appreciating both high quality design and the positive impact on local communities. The Norwich Society were the organisation who championed The Enterprise Centre, and they were involved in the celebratory visit.
Over three and a half years into successful operation, The Enterprise Centre is a leading hub for entrepreneurs, innovators and businesses, and is the UK’s most sustainable building. The centre can host inspirational meeting and event space, alongside an active tenant business community.
The proud recipient of 30 awards, The Enterprise Centre has received significant recognition, including a RIBA National Design Award and a “Best of the Best” from the British Council for Offices.
Fearn Ainsworth, Commercial Services Manager for The Enterprise Centre, said: ‘We’re delighted to welcome representatives from the Civic Voice Design Awards and The Norwich Society to the building. The Awards have a keen focus on the importance of a building to the local community and we are really proud to have been recognised for our contribution to Norwich.’
For more information on The Enterprise Centre visit their website
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