Norfolk Chamber to host Business Ratepayers Consultation

Norfolk Chamber to host Business Ratepayers Consultation

Norfolk Chamber is delighted to be working with the Norfolk County Council to deliver the annual Business Ratepayers Consultation event.

This event will provide local Business Ratepayers with:

  • The chance for local business owners to discuss the impact of these factors on the County’s delivery of key services, as well as the impact on the county’s economy
  • The opportunity to learn more about the County Council’s budget planning and the prospects for 2019/20

Come and join Norfolk Chamber at this free forum for business where Council leaders contribute to and shape the debate around the benefits and impact of these issues.

The guest speakers will be Andrew Proctor, Leader of Norfolk County Council and Simon George, Executive Director of Finance.

Proctor was appointed as Leader of Norfolk County Council in June 2018. He has also previously been appointed as the Leader of Broadland District Council between 2011-2018 and Deputy Leader for 8 years prior to that. Andrew has considerable experience in corporate peer challenges and areas such as planning. He was chairman of Broadland Growth Ltd a joint venture development company between Broadland District Council and Norfolk Property Services delivering a multi-award winning Passivhaus scheme. Andrew’s key areas of expertise include finance, planning and wider commercial activities.

Andrew will be presenting at Norfolk County Council’s Annual Business Ratepayers Consultation on 30th January, and will take questions from local business representatives and listening to their views. Have your voice heard at this free to attend event. 

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