Chamber Presidents Charity Dinner - 8th November
Contributed by Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
2/10/2019 - Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
Is your business ready to access a major procurement supply chain? Do you know how?
Norfolk County Council and its partners, Norfolk Chambers, the Growth Hub, and Vattenfall are delivering a free workshop at Swaffham Assembly Rooms, on Wednesday 9th October focusing on encouraging innovation and collaboration when bidding for supply chain work.
Throughout the day experts will deliver sessions around key areas of winning bids including: ‘Carrying out a business healthcheck’, ‘Access to funding’ and a Tier 1 perspective. Attendees will leave with the confidence to bid on large-scale projects and an understanding of how to work with other businesses to innovate and collaborate.
Visit the ‘Gearing up to Grow’ booking page to secure your free place.
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