Leadership & Life Chat with Dan Lowes – former Red Arrows pilot
30/09/2022 - Larking Gowen

In this BITESIZE episode, we go back to April 2021 to James and Mark’s chat with former RAF Fighter Pilot and Executive Officer of the Red Arrows, Dan Lowes.
Mark reflects on their conversation around the power of situational debriefs and how tick box exercises can be avoided. Debriefs help you improve communication, and gauge success, and are valuable to people at all levels, and let’s face it, if they’re good enough for the Red Arrows, they’re good enough for us and our businesses!
In these clips, Dan also discusses the ‘Half error technique’, and their chat around Top Gun school and playlists is not to be missed!
You can listen to the original full episode, and find show notes, here: Impromptu Business Chat with Dan Lowes
You can listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or wherever else you get your podcast, or click here to listen now!
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