Highway to the conquer zone with profit hunter Freddie Bennett

Highway to the conquer zone with profit hunter Freddie Bennett

Profit hunter Freddie Bennett talks about comfort zones, rejecting the corporate grind and how to dream, disrupt and deliver! 

Freddie’s baaaack! Series 2 of Leadership & Life Chat kicks off with a former guest, professional adventurer and profit hunter, Freddie Bennett!

Freddie first joined James and Mark back in early 2021 on Impromptu Business Chat, chatting about how he uses the lessons he’s learnt in life to advise and inspire businesses on how to motivate their teams and embrace change. Since then, Freddie has had some major life changes, including packing up and moving his family to New Zealand, so the team invited him back to find out why, and talk about his new book and career change – tapping into customer bases to discover new lines of profit.

Freddie has worked with some of the biggest companies in the world and conquered some mammoth personal demons along the way, having left the corporate grind behind him. He speaks passionately about choosing your battles, whether we really need to smash our comfort zones, his own theory on the relativity of time, and how we should all be more aware of our own waypoints! He also discusses how we should embrace the seasons of change in our lives and businesses, and how we can reject hustle culture.

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