Chicane Connect’s VoIP technology benefits remote workers during Covid19

Chicane Connect’s VoIP technology benefits remote workers during Covid19

As life has adapted following lockdown to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has proven to be a viable option for the majority of workers (with even Twitter announcing that all employees can continue to work from home, forever).

Robert Kemp CEO and Managing Director of Chicane Connect explains how to leverage technology to thrive in the new normal.
“The impact of Covid-19 is changing our lives, and many of these changes are likely to stay with us permanently. We are in uncharted territory and I expect that many employees will conclude that they have been wasting a lot of time travelling to and from work. What we are seeing now is how important Tech, Cloud based systems and VoIP is. Those businesses that have not invested in technology are now facing huge challenges in maintaining connectivity with staff working remotely. And they need to catch up, and fast. Working life will never go back to the way it was”.

Cloud technologies have already helped make the transition to Working from Home pretty seamless, “which is one of the reasons why businesses should consider working with expert telecoms providers as a core factor in their business continuity planning”, Robert continues, “with the plug and play feature of VoIP, our clients enjoy the use of their telephones anywhere there is a broadband connection, allowing staff to continue to receive business calls from the office or at home, with all of the same features. Another unique feature of VoIP is the ability to stay connected to colleagues through call conferencing, perfect for business meetings, enabling you to benefit from an even better conferencing experience due to ‘wideband’ technology, providing crystal clear sound for all callers”.

One thing the team at Chicane Connect knows, is that people come together during times of trouble.

“We went from being ‘just’ a utilities supplier to a business critical service in a matter of hours. We help companies to stay connected to staff, suppliers and customers. We became a lifeline overnight. Indeed, immediately after the announcement of the lockdown, Chicane Connect announced a 50% price cut off all line packages for old and new clients.
We know that COVID-19 is a concern for many businesses, and we want to support you in ensuring your business survives this crisis. With our cloud technology, we will keep your business running as usual, while you concentrate on keeping your staff safe”.

For further information about how VoIP solutions can help your business through this crisis visit the Chicane website.

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