CBI react to extension of lockdown
16/04/2020 - CBI

Dame Carolyn Fairbairn, CBI Director-General, said: “The Government is right to extend the lockdown and has the full support of business. Public health remains firms’ number one priority.
“At the same time, extending restrictions will bring serious challenges for many companies. The Government’s lifelines for business will matter more than ever. In particular, it’s vital that the Job Retention Scheme starts delivering cash to struggling companies next week, as HMRC is working hard to achieve. Firms also need urgent clarity on the Scheme’s duration.
“When scientific evidence shows it’s safe to do so, eyes will turn to how the lockdown can be lifted. To build public trust and the right action, many voices will need to be heard, from health experts and political leaders to business, unions and local communities. It’s not too early to start to plan, cautiously and with public health paramount, for the revival of our economy.”
For further information visit the CBI website.
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