Does your business need a refresh to better tell your story post covid?

Does your business need a refresh to better tell your story post covid?

What do you do when your entire industry has been deeply affected by a pandemic? How do you make sure that you rebrand and strengthen your business for the new normal?

Cherry Beesley, of Simply C Photography, urges business owners to re-evaluate their imagery and decide if there needs to be a refresh to better tell their business story post Covid.

“Even though words can explain your story and add the facts and depth, images catch attention in the first instance. They have the power to affect the psychology of humans and illicit emotional responses”

In fact studies suggest that the human brain can recall 10% of information delivered by text alone up to three days later. Add an image to that text and the recall rate jumps to 65% ( making photographs and imagery an undeniably valuable asset in your post-pandemic marketing plan.

Cherry was recently approached to by the leadership team of a UK care home chain as they looked to revamp their website and brochures to reflect the changes the last year had brought to their homes, and the industry in general.

“The client really wanted this to be more than a corporate rebranding exercise” Cherry continues. “This project called for imagery that captured a powerful story and would show people the outstanding levels of care their amazing staff provide, day in, day out, for residents”

“I love a challenge!” Cherry explains “and, with such a human angle this one was very close to my heart. Thankfully, with a little planning, I was able to create some powerful photography that really conveyed a human story during these difficult times”.

Even if you’re not sure that your business lends itself to images Cherry is quick to reassure that there are ways to present every industry. Even the care home assignment wasn’t without its challenges.

“The biggest issue from a composition point of view was the lack of available human faces. For reasons of privacy and safety, I couldn’t get close to residents, and their faces couldn’t appear on the sales literature. Meanwhile, staff would be hidden behind their PPE”.

“However, despite my usual toolkit being limited, I knew there was a way to capture the respect, dignity and genuine care staff provided for their residents. When done effectively, candid photography has the power to say a great deal, using very little”.

If you are feeling that your business would benefit from a revamp, or maybe your existing images aren’t accurately telling your business story post covid, Cherry would be happy to discuss your options.

07775 851827

Visit the Simply C Photography website for more information


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