Investment in Sustainability Shows Success for Local Packaging Firm

Investment in Sustainability Shows Success for Local Packaging Firm

One of Europe’s leading packaging suppliers, Southgate, which has its head office on Hamlin Way, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, has enjoyed a hugely successful first ever appearance at IntraLogisteX, the specialist intralogistics exhibition held at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry.

Leading the way in sustainability Southgate Packaging one of Europe’s leading packaging suppliers, showcased a number of new environmentally considerate products and relished the opportunity to meet customers face-to-face after months of Covid restrictions.

At a time of massive growth in 3pl, specifically in the e-commerce sector the exhibition was an opportunity to reveal Southgate’s increasing eco product range to potential customers.

With the main focus for Southgate being on sustainability, new launches including: Water Activated Tape Dispensers, AirWave Void Fill, and a range of plastic packaging alternatives including Paper Mailers and Paper Doc Wallets.  There was a huge amount of interest in the UK Packaging Awards shortlisted carbon neutral air pillows which are made from more than 53% recycled content, most of which is collected postconsumer plastic waste.

Darren Smith, Head of Marketing at Southgate comments: “As part of our continued focus on product innovation we have developed a range of new eco-friendly packaging alternatives. This strengthens our pioneering activity to lead the packaging industry in developing sustainable products.

He added “The response at IntralogisteX was excellent, there is such growing demand for sustainable packing products and it was great to see the response first-hand, we were delighted with the feedback from visitors.”  

Southgate also showcased machinery and equipment and demonstrated a new AirWave air pillow system which provide a sustainable alternative to the traditional void fill products.   

Responding to further plastic alternatives Southgate also exhibited shredders and fully recyclable Kraft paper. This included a cardboard shredder, supporting customers to re-use cardboard waste as filler, reducing costs of void fill materials, as well as reducing the expense of waste disposal. Southgate also showcased the PaperWave and Bio Film pillows.

Darren continued “With the continued boom in e-commerce resulting in an increase in demand for packaging products, specifically those which are sustainable, we have been hard at work developing new innovations which meets this growing need.”  

As an industry leader, Southgate is committed to developing alternative products to significantly reduce packaging waste and plastic content. The company continues to expand its sustainable range whilst reducing plastic content, finding more sustainable alternatives whilst maintaining quality.

Its focus on sustainability feeds into Southgate’s wider ambition to develop and promote the idea of a circular economy – inspiring businesses to embrace the global solution to eliminating waste.

Southgate recently announced it has achieved a Silver EcoVadis rating, showcasing its focus on driving sustainability within its business and the wider industry. The rating recognises Southgate’s continued focus on cultivating innovative, eco-friendly packaging alternatives.

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